Thursday 22 September 2011

Film Analysis - Genre

A sub-section of the moving image studies is Film Studies. Over the next few weeks we will be studying a range of areas, this week focusing on Genre. Although we all know what genre is, a greater study of the word, it's etymology, the various sections, sub-genres and crossover genres and understanding how and why to properly categorize films.

With this in mind, we each decided on a favourite genre and got into groups with others who had chosen the same genre. I chose Sci-Fi (Science Fiction) as my favourite and in groups we further analysed the genre. In a group of 4, we tried to further analyse our favourite genres, discussing everything from codes and conventions to iconography to notable stars and more. Overall it helped us understand reading genre, and also why we enjoy certain genres, especially Sci-Fi.

To help further understand genre, we need to pick out the elements that make up Genre. Using an Infographic, we can make a visual aid to Genre theory. I have created a Sci-Fi infographic, looking at recurring themes, iconography, musical consistencies, notable cast and crew and a timeline. This shows the development and core ideas of the Genre.

With this analysis of genre in mind we were asked to create an "Ultimate Film List", listing our favourite films and trying to put them into specific genres.

My list is as follows (grouped in Genres and NOT ordered like a chart from best to worst):

2001: A Space Odyssey. Stanely Kubrick. UK/USA. 1968. Sci Fi

Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back. Ivan Kershner. USA. 1980. Sci-Fi

Inception. Christopher Nolan. USA/UK. 2010. Sci-Fi

Saving Private Ryan. Steven Spielberg. USA. 1998. War

Full Metal Jacket. Stanely Kubrick. UK/USA. 1987. War

Paranormal Activity. Oren Peli. USA. 2009. Horror

The Shining. Stanely Kubrick. UK/USA. 1980. Horror

Cool Hand Luke. Stuart Rosenburg. USA. 1967. Crime/Drama

Training Day. Antoine Fuqua. USA. 2001. Crime/Thriller

Flame and Citron. Ole Christian Madsen. Denmark/Chzech Republic/Germany. 2008. Thriller

Toy Story. John Lassiter. USA. 1995. Adventure

Ratatouille. Brad Bird. US. 2007. Adventure

Finding Nemo. Andrew Stanton. USA. 2003. Adventure

Loose Change: Final Cut. Dylan Avery. USA. 2007. Documentary

Gran Torino. Clint Eastwood. USA. 2008. Drama

Dead Poets Society. Peter Weir. USA. 1989. Drama/Coming of Age

For A Few Dollars More. Sergio Leone. Italy/USA. 1965. Western

Enter The Dragon. Robert Clouse. Hong Kong/USA. 1973. Martial Arts

The Dark Knight. Christopher Nolan. UK/USA. 2008. Action

Die Hard With A Vengance. John McTiernan. USA. 1995. Action

The Social Network. David Fincher. USA. 2010. Drama/Biography
Gross Pointe Blank. George Armitage. USA. 1997. Action/Comedy

The Breakfast Club. John Huges.USA.  1985. Comedy/Coming of Age

Superbad. Greg Mottola. US. 2007. Comedy

Clerks 2. Kevin Smith. US. 2006. Comedy

Adventureland. Greg Mottola. USA. 2009. Comedy

Team America: World Police. Trey Parker. USA. 2004. Comedy

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. John Hughes. USA. 1986. Comedy/Coming of Age

BIG. Penny Marshall. USA. 1988. Comedy

Le Dinner De Cons. France. Francis Veber. 1998. Comedy